Trying to accomplish one of my goals for 2011, I decided to take beginners workshop in photography. I know I could learn through the internet by self study but this time I decided to enroll in a workshop as I feel this type of hobby/craft is more enjoyable to learn with a group of other enthusiast. Plus I didn’t want to be in front of the computer even on my day off on Saturdays.
So for the first day I already learned alot of things, I know a bit on apperture, shutter speed and other stuffs by reading the manual. But now I know more on when they are applicable to use and the limits my kit lens have which is an 18mm-55mm 1:f3.5-f5.6. So I need a bigger apperture for my needs which is doing portrait shots and some photo journalism. Also found a the “bulb” feature I never thought was there and got some basic crash course on lighting techniques.
Some key points.
Looking forward to next session. Took some demo shots of our instructor Ruston Banal, check out his works at