Setting up Toolkit for Google Docs API on Mac OS X

This guide will help you setup Mac OS X Mountain Lion for the Toolkit for Google Docs API.

I assume you already have Eclipse and the Force IDE installed. If not you can follow this route first, then come back here to setup the toolkit.

This setup caused me some headache so I’m blogging the steps I did and some troubleshooting. This would be the major guide to follow but going over the first few step to get Subclipse installed requires some troubleshooting.

1. First thing you need is to download and add Subclipse plugin so we can download the toolkit hosted on the Google Repository

Adding the plugin won’t work just yet. You’ll get error about missing JavaHL.

2. Subclipse plugin requires JavaHL which you can install via or via HomeBrew

I went went to the MacPorts route and installed the pkg for Mountain Lion here.

3. After you got the Macport installed you can now install JavaHL, but running the following though command

sudo port install subversion-javahlbindings +no_bdb +universal

If you don’t have XCode installed you’ll get some nasty errors, which for my solution I had to update to the latest XCode version 4.4.1. Go to the AppStore and download XCode.

Error: The installed version of Xcode (2.0orlower) is too old to use on the installed OS version. Version 4.1 or later is recommended on Mac OS X 10.8.

Then after XCode install you need to download additional tools. Launch XCode and go under Preferences and choose Downloads and click Install for the Command Line Tools.

Once done you can finally run the command and it would start fetching and installing a bunch of dependency files.

Finally you can go to Eclipse and continue with the initial steps to Checkout.

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